Laser Cutting

The UK’s Leading Laser Cutting Specialists
With a history of cutting by laser dating back to 1979 Intec is firmly established as one of the UK’s leading Laser Cutting specialists.
Working from component designs in virtually all formats and utilising the expertise of highly skilled in-house CAD-CAM engineers and latest software technology, the programming of your job will be handled efficiently and accurately.
Precision profiling and cutting of stainless steel, mild steel and aluminium can be undertaken for sheet and plate up to thicknesses of 20mm, 25mm and 12mm respectively.
With the capacity and portfolio of equipment to handle every type of different requirement Intec can direct your work to it’s most appropriate machine.
We have on site lasers ranging from 3kW to 6kW specifically designed to combine low cost set up with market leading accuracy and the shortest possible lead times. Exclusively incorporating Trumpf Laser systems, the worlds most advanced laser cutting technology, we have the facility to run around the clock manufacturing with the capacity to turn parts around over night if required.
The recent introduction of our new fully automated laser cell now enables us to produce mixed batch work completely unmanned and without interruption, our equipment can process high volume parts in the most efficient way possible allowing us to remain competitive and reduce our lead times.
Flat Bed Laser Cutting Production Facilities
Our flat bed laser cutting production facilities include:
- Fully Automated 6.0kw, 3m x 1.5m 2 axis laser cutting
- 5.0kw, 3m x 1.5m 2 axis laser cutting
- 3.5kw, 3m x 1.5m 2 axis laser cutting
- Full CAD-CAM facilities
- File handling in all common formats
- Automatic nesting of parts for optimum sheet usage